"Long before it's in the papers"
September 22, 2013


PAST NEWS - 2010


Fatigued surgeons should alert patients, experts propose
An edit­orial in a lead­ing med­i­cal jour­nal pro­poses a sweep­ing res­ponse to a thorny prob­lem. (Dec. 29, 2010)

“Oldest” modern human remains identified in Israeli cave
The finding un­der­mines a tra­di­tion­al view that our spe­cies emerged from Af­ri­ca, some re­search­ers say. (Dec. 30, 2010)

Neanderthals had Siberian kin, study finds
Sci­en­tists have used DNA from a fin­ger bone to de­code an an­cient ge­nome. (Dec. 24, 2010)


New gene "encyclo­pedias" delve deeper into life's mechanics
Sweeping new re­search seeks to explain how genes really work, using sim­ple an­i­mals as mod­els. (Dec. 22, 2010)

Sham pills may help us-even without the sham
Fake pills known as place­bos are used in count­less med­i­cal stud­ies, but apparently they still have the po­tent­ial to sur­prise us. (Dec. 22, 2010)

Sticks appear as "dolls" in hands of chimps
Some chim­pan­zees have been sighted play­ing with sticks in a man­ner rem­i­nis­cent of doll play, sci­en­tists are re­port­ing. (Dec. 20, 2010)


A lost civilization under the Persian Gulf?
A fer­tile land, now sub­merged, may have hosted some of the ear­li­est hu­man popula­t­ions out­side Af­ri­ca, ac­cord­ing to a new re­port. (Dec. 15, 2010)

Burning debate lights up over safety of electronic cigarettes
Supposedly safer sub­sti­tutes for cig­ar­ettes are them­selves un­der fire, but some re­sear­chers call health con­cerns over­blown. (Dec. 17, 2010)

"Drop" of blood still enough to get you perceived as minority?
The "one-drop rule" dat­ing to 1662 Vir­gi­nia lives on in our mo­dern ment­al­ity, re­search sug­gests-but many bi­ra­cial people are to­day pleased to high­light their mi­no­rity side. (Dec. 14, 2010)


Our gold was a crash delivery from space, study finds
Gold prices seem oth­er­worldly these days-which may be fit­ting in light of a new study. (Dec. 10, 2010)

Old leaf-cutter ants "retire" to more manageable jobs
When their ra­zor-sharp jaws wear out, the six-legged agri­cul­tur­al­ists find a new way to be pro­duc­tive, sci­ent­ists say. (Dec. 13, 2010)

Safe drug touted as able to cure "Rain Man"-like mice
Re­search­ers have an­nounced a pos­si­ble major ad­vance in treat­ing au­tism spec­trum dis­or­ders. (Dec. 9, 2010)


Scientists work to make livestock happier-even if it must die
Mak­ing sure farm ani­mals feel good is in­creas­ing­ly be­com­ing a re­search pri­or­ity, not entirely for al­tru­ist­ic rea­sons. (Dec. 8, 2010)

Low dose aspirin cuts cancer risk, study finds
But its au­thors cau­tioned that not eve­ry­one should take as­pi­rin, as it can boost the risk of se­ri­ous bleed­ing. (Dec. 7, 2010)


Religion gives happiness because of the social ties, study claims
Re­search sug­gests spi­r­it­ual­ity might not be the main rea­son pi­ous folk re­port great­er life sat­is­fac­tion. (Dec. 7, 2010)

"Forests" detectable even in distant solar systems, scientists suggest
Once humans start im­ag­ing Earth-like plan­ets in other solar systems, tree-like life forms might also be detectable, a study proposes. (Dec. 4, 2010)

Microbes made partly of "toxic" chemical found
A discovery high­lights the poss­ibil­ity that even planets with seem­ing­ly the wrong in­gre­di­ents could host life. (Dec. 2, 2010)

AIDS falling off media radar, but environment rising: study
A new ana­ly­sis tracks trends over the past two dec­ades in news­paper coverage of health, en­vi­ron­ment­al and re­lated issues. (Nov. 30, 2010)

Finding "triples" number of stars in universe
Lit­tle stars called red dwarfs are sur­pris­ing­ly com­mon, and tend to be good cand­i­dates for host­ing in­hab­it­ed worlds, as­tro­nom­ers say. (Dec. 2, 2010)

Could being too clean lead to allergies?
Young peo­ple may suf­fer more al­ler­gies if they're over­ex­posed to an­ti­bac­te­ri­al soaps with a com­mon in­gre­di­ent, a study in­di­cates. (Nov. 29, 2010)

Dinos out of way, mammals ballooned to record sizes
The gi­ant rep­tiles' de­mise paved the way for mam­mals to even­tu­ally grow over a thou­sand­fold, bio­lo­gists report. (Nov. 26, 2010)

Astronomers puzzled by galaxies that formed "too early"
Some of the big­gest ga­lax­ies may have formed bil­lions of years ear­li­er than cur­rent sci­en­tif­ic mod­els pre­dict, scient­ists say. (Nov. 25, 2010)

Test could estimate age of crime suspects from blood­stains
The new meth­od works to with­in an ac­cura­cy of nine years, re­search­ers re­port. (Nov. 22, 2010)

Are the poor better at reading emotions?
Peo­ple of low so­ci­o­ec­on­om­ic sta­tus are bet­ter at read­ing oth­ers' emo­tions than are up­per-class folk, a study finds. (Nov. 23, 2010)

Molecule said to underlie benefits of light drinking
A well stud­ied mol­e­cule called Notch may be be­hind the ben­e­fi­cial ef­fects of mod­er­ate al­co­hol drink­ing on the heart, bio­lo­gists say. (Nov. 21, 2010)

"Gangster" bird found to charge for pro­tection
An av­ian spe­cies in Afri­ca runs what some sci­en­tists are liken­ing to a pro­tec­tion rack­et. (Nov. 19, 2010)

U.S. scientists more likely to publish fake research?
A new study sug­gests U.S. re­search­ers are more li­ke­ly to pub­lish fraud­u­lent stud­ies than sci­ent­ists from other coun­tries. (Nov. 16, 2010)

Microbes attack each other with "poison-tipped swords"
Bat­tles among bac­te­ria are more com­plex than once im­ag­ined, sci­en­tists say. (Nov. 17, 2010)

U.S. scientists more likely to publish fake research?
A new study sug
­gests U.S. re­search­ers are more li­ke­ly to pub­lish fraud­u­lent stud­ies than sci­ent­ists from other coun­tries. (Nov. 16, 2010)

Report of ancient meat-fest by human ancestors disputed
Some re­search­ers are skep­ti­cal of a study find­ing that an­ces­tral hu­mans butchered an­i­mals over three mil­lion years ago. (Nov. 15, 2010)

Depressing reverie fills almost half our waking lives: study
It may be best to try to live in the mo­ment-just as some reli­gions ad­vise, psy­cho­l­o­g­ists say. (Nov. 13, 2010)

Bilingualism may delay Alzheimer's
Speak­ing two or more lan­guages may help de­lay Alz­heim­er's dis­ease symp­toms by as much as five years, re­search has found. (Nov. 12, 2010)

Giant "bubbles" lurk at heart of Milky Way
Astronom­ers are try­ing to under­stand a huge, mys­ter­ious struc­ture newly ident­i­fied in our gal­axy. (Nov. 9, 2010)

"Johnny has two daddies" may have been common in Amazon cultures
Wide­spread prom­is­cuity was tied to some sur­pris­ing ideas about pat­ern­ity in many an­cient so­cie­ties, an­thro­po­lo­g­ists say. (Nov. 10, 2010)

Bars may kill spiral galaxies
Some lovely cos­mic struct­ures may event­ual­ly come un­done, say re­search­ers aided by cit­i­zen vol­un­teers. (Nov. 8, 2010)

Looking older than your age may not mean bad health
A study suggests peo­ple must look at least 10 years old­er than their real age be­fore as­sump­tions about their health can be made. (Nov. 5, 2010)

Moving 3D images may be inching toward real-life use
Sci­en­tists claim that a con­cept from sci­ence fic­tion could enter real life thanks to a break­through in hol­o­graph­ic im­ag­ing. (Nov. 3, 2010)

Goose eggs may help save warmth-battered polar bear
As cold-adapted po­lar bears floun­der for sur­viv­al in a warm­ing Arc­tic, sci­en­tists pre­dict a new re­source may be open­ing up for them. (Nov. 4, 2010)

Galaxies detected by "shadows"
Previously unseen cos­mic struc­tures are turn­ing up thanks to a new tech­nique, as­tro­no­mers say. (Nov. 2, 2010)

Friendships seen as key to success for dolphin moms
Fe­male dol­phins who have help from fe­male friends are far more suc­cess­ful at rais­ing surv­iv­ing off­spring, re­search has found. (Nov. 1, 2010)

"Liberal gene" identified
People with a specific gene variant tend to grow up in­to li­ber­als if they also had many friends as teen­agers, a study sug­gests. (Oct. 28, 2010)

Scientists work on sun-charged "heat battery"
A new type of re­charge­a­ble bat­tery would store heat ab­sorbed from the sun in­stead of elec­tri­cal charge. (Oct. 27, 2010)

Daily vibration may help protect aging bones
Whole-body vibra­t­ion may re­duce the bone dens­ity loss that oc­curs with age, re­search­ers re­port based on a mouse stu­dy. (Oct. 26, 2010)

Obese kids said to show sign of "middle-age" heart disease
Obese children have stiff blood ves­sels typical of much old­er adults with car­di­o­vas­cu­lar dis­ease, ac­cord­ing to a stu­dy. (Oct. 25, 2010)

Peace of mind may close health gap for less educated
Good psy­cho­log­i­cal health may erase the bad long-term health ef­fects of low so­ci­o­ec­o­nom­ic sta­tus, re­search sug­gests. (Oct. 25, 2010)

Storied "monster" is just a furry victim of mites
As Hal­low­een ap­proaches, ta­les of mon­sters and creepy crawlies abound. Among the more in­sid­i­ous is the leg­end­ary chu­pa­ca­bras. (Oct. 22, 2010)

Forecast: global warming may bring giant drought
The Un­ited States and many oth­er pop­u­lous lands face a grow­ing threat of long, harsh drought in the next 30 years, a study in­di­cates. (Oct. 19, 2010)

Astronomers peer into primordial cosmic "fog"
Scientists say they have con­firmed the discovery of the fur­thest gal­axy known. (Oct. 21, 2010)

Would you sleep on a chunk of ice? Building your "experience résumé"
Some peo­ple can't re­sist a chance to col­lect ex­pe­ri­ences, a study sug­gests. (Oct. 18, 2010)

Societies evolve a bit like creatures, study concludes
In­creas­es in political com­plex­ity are usu­ally grad­u­al, as is the case with the com­plex­ity of liv­ing things, re­search­ers pro­pose. (Oct. 13, 2010)

Get them some sleep, scient­ists say of young delin­quents
Many high-school age de­lin­quents get too little snooze time, re­search sug­gests. (Oct. 12, 2010)

Butterflies "treat" sick young
Mon­arch but­ter­flies seem to use plants to treat their yet-un­born off­spring for an in­fec­tion, bi­ol­o­gists say. (Oct. 11, 2010)

T. rex was a cannibal, scientists report
The fearsome "k­ing" of the di­no­saurs ate not just oth­er di­no­saurs but al­so its own kind, pa­le­on­tol­ogists claim. (Oct. 15, 2010)

Falling U.S. life expectancy rank blamed on health system
Smoking, obesity and murders don't ex­plain the Un­ited States' drop in global rank­ings of life ex­pect­an­cy, sci­en­tists claim. (Oct. 9, 2010)

Artificial white light may become eye-friendly
Scientists aim to make the harsh, ar­ti­fi­cial-looking light of to­day's energy-ef­fi­cient light bulbs a thing of the past. (Oct. 6, 2010)

Could ingredients of life have formed over a moon of Saturn?
The types of mo­le­cules nec­es­sary to build liv­ing things could have formed in Ti­tan's hazy at­mos­phere, sci­en­tists say. (Oct. 7, 2010)

Neanderthals had feelings too, researchers say
Ne­an­der­thal peo­ple had a deep-seat­ed sense of com­pas­sion, their brut­ish rep­u­ta­t­ion not­with­stand­ing, arch­aeo­lo­gists claim. (Oct. 5, 2010)

Marine census shows ocean life "richer" than expected
The project also generated an array of beau­tiful photo­graphs of sea crea­tures, some of them new to sci­ence. (Oct. 4, 2010)

Did volcanoes wipe out Neanderthals?
The stocky cave men may in large mea­sure have just been in the wrong place at the wrong time, a stu­dy sug­gests. (Oct. 1, 2010)

Candidate "habitable" planet described as most promising yet
Two other cand­i­dates were poss­ibly too cold and too hot, but this one seems just right, astro­nom­ers claim. (Sept. 29, 2010)

Many dinosaurs were taller than thought, study concludes
Many dinosaur joints con­tained thick lay­ers of car­ti­lage that haven't been ac­counted for, ac­cord­ing to some re­search­ers. (Sept. 30, 2010)

Over a fifth of plant species may face extinction threat
Plants are at risk globally, mainly be­cause of hu­man-in­duced hab­i­tat loss, sci­ent­ists say. (Sept. 28, 2010)

Just bad boys, or malfunctioning brains?
An­ti­so­cial boys who abuse drugs, break laws and act reck­lessly aren't just "bad," ac­cord­ing to a new stu­dy. (Sept. 26, 2010)

Gorillas may have given us malaria
A scourge of warm­er parts of the world, the mi­crobe that causes ma­lar­ia evolved from a go­ril­la par­a­site, new re­search con­cludes. (Sept. 23, 2010)

Worried about kids getting fat? Maybe get a dog
Chil­dren with dogs spend on aver­age 11 less min­utes per day sit­ting on their be­hinds than kids with­out, a U.K. study has found. (Sept. 21, 2010)

Bizarre dinos found
A fossil with a stu­pen­dously mul­ti­-horned face and an­oth­er likened to a gi­ant rhi­no with a super­sized head have re­port­ed­ly turned up in Utah. (Sept. 22, 2010)

AIDS virus ancestor over 32,000 years old, study finds
New data sug­gests AIDS won't stop kill­ing an­y­time soon, re­search­ers say. (Sept. 20, 2010)

Brain region linked to introspective thinking
People va­ry in their skill at re­flect­ing on their de­ci­sions, a key as­pect of con­scious­ness, ac­cord­ing to sci­ent­ists. (Sept. 16, 2010)

Dummy pill may improve women's sex life
A pill con­tain­ing no med­i­cine at all may help im­prove the sex life of wom­en with low sex­u­al arous­al, sci­en­tists have found. (Sept. 17, 2010)

Freshwater turtles in "catastrophic decline"
Hab­i­tat loss, hunt­ing and a pet trade is dec­i­mat­ing the world's fresh­wa­ter tur­tle popula­t­ions, en­vir­on­ment­al­ists say. (Sept. 16, 2010)

Solar system's distant ice-rocks come into focus
Be­yond where Nep­tune cir­cles the Sun, there lurk count­less faint ob­jects with an­cient stories to tell. (Sept. 14, 2010)

Physicists claim first true random number generation
Most seem­ingly ran­dom events aren't really ran­dom. But in the quan­tum world, things may be diff­erent. (Sept. 13, 2010)

Giving robots the ability to deceive
A ro­bot tricks an en­e­my sol­dier by cre­at­ing a false trail, then hid­ing. This may sound like a scene from a movie, but it's ac­tu­ally the sce­nar­io of a recent ex­pe­ri­ment. (Sept. 9, 2010)

Money CAN buy happiness, within limits: study
Up to an in­come of about $75,000, Amer­i­cans rate their every­day ex­per­i­ences more high­ly with in­creas­ing in­come, re­search­ers found. (Sept. 8, 2010)

A "fundamental" number may be shifty
New find­ings may im­ply that the uni­verse is in­fin­ite, and al­so stir up con­tro­versy, some as­tron­omers say. (Sept. 7, 2010)

In war on germs, "backstabbers" might be our friends on the inside
Some mi­crobes just drag down com­pan­ions that are work­ing to keep an in­fec­tion go­ing, re­search­ers say. (Sept. 6, 2010)

Evolution rewritten, over and over
Scientists always seem to be say­ing some new fos­sil is about to "rewrite ev­o­lu­tion­ary his­to­ry." But are these big, fre­quent rev­i­sions hap­pen­ing? Not really, a study finds. (Aug. 31, 2010)

Organic farms have better fruit, soil, environment, study finds
A research group com­pared con­ven­tion­al and or­gan­ic straw­berry farms in Cal­i­for­nia. (Sept. 2, 2010)

Biggest black holes formed early, study finds
New simu­la­tions sug­gest the first "su­per­mas­sive" black holes arose shortly af­ter the birth of the uni­verse. (Aug. 26, 2010)

Drug-resistant germs found to help their brethren through the attack
Confronting assault by an­ti­bi­otics, some bac­te­ria help each oth­er out, re­search­ers say. (Sept. 1, 2010)

First "clear evidence" of feasting
Sci­en­tists are re­port­ing what they call the ear­li­est clear signs of one of hu­mans' most uni­ver­sal and im­por­tant so­cial be­hav­iors. (Aug. 30, 2010)

Designing the smells that sell household products
Put­ting a smell that sells in­to con­sum­er prod­ucts is much like com­pos­ing a sym­pho­ny, ac­cord­ing to a top fra­grance de­sign­er. (Aug. 24, 2010)

Attacked, plant calls for its enemy's enemy
When cater­pil­lars chomp on wild to­bac­co plants, it triggers a special SOS signal from the vic­tims, a study has found. (Aug. 27, 2010)

World money meltdown can start in surprising places, physicists say
Research­ers used con­cepts from "statistical phys­ics" to draw up a list of coun­tries that could trig­ger a global eco­no­mic crisis. (Aug. 25, 2010)

A moment on the lips, a year on the hips
Just a few weeks of over­eat­ing may af­fect your weight and fat stor­age years lat­er-even if you lost the initial ex­cess weight, sci­en­tists say. (Aug. 24, 2010)

"Terror bird" jabbed like an agile boxer: scientists
Re­searchers pro­duced what they called the most de­tailed study of the at­tack style of a fi­erce an­cient hunt­er. (Aug. 19, 2010)

The Moon may be slowly shrinking
Our com­panion world has seen its crust sink in­ward by up to a thous­andth of a mil­li­meter yearly, est­i­mates sug­gest. (Aug. 20, 2010)

"Psychedelics" could find new lease on life-in the doctor's office
Some­times touted as spiri­tu­al aids, cer­tain il­le­gal, hal­lu­ci­na­tion-in­du­cing drugs are now be­ing dis­cussed as po­tent­ial me­di­cines. (Aug. 18, 2010)

Battle against barnacles goes genetic
Under­stand­ing one gene could help eng­i­neers keep pesky barn­a­cles off ships with­out harm­ing the en­vi­ron­ment, re­search­ers say. (Aug. 16, 2010)

Adolescent obesity may finally be sliding, but not for all groups
A study in Cali­forn­ia found en­cour­ag­ing trends, but re­search­ers are con­cerned about some mi­nor­ities. (Aug. 15, 2010)

Solar activity seen restarting after long lull
Sci­en­tists say they have "sub-visual" ev­i­dence that a new cy­cle of so­lar ac­ti­vity is start­ing. (Aug. 14, 2010)

Earliest signs of tool use, meat eating ID'd among human forebears
A new find could re­write the his­tory of the hu­man line­age, re­search­ers say. (Aug. 11, 2010)

Robots designed to develop emotions through relationships
A new breed of ma­chines is pro­grammed to form emotions in much the way that child­ren do, the ma­kers claim. (Aug. 10, 2010)

What hit the Moon? New crater makes a splash
NASA sci­en­tists are av­idly stu­dy­ing a new crat­er that formed on the Moon with­in the past 39 years, as pho­tographs show. (Aug. 2, 2010)

Watery moon claims off base, study says
Recent studies purport­ing to re­veal un­ex­pect­ed­ly high lu­nar wa­ter con­tent are mis­tak­en, a re­search group says. (Aug. 6, 2010)

Company floats giant balloon concept as space junk fix
NASA est­i­mates that over half a mil­lion bits of re­fuse are or­bit­ing the planet, in­c­reas­ing­ly threat­en­ing to damage cost­ly sat­e­llites. (Aug. 4, 2010)

Tracks may tell tale of reptilian land conquest
Scaly pio­neers were the first to in­hab­it con­ti­nent­al in­ter­iors, some sci­ent­ists say. (July 30, 2010)

Men, not just ladies, in red may gain allure
New research has docu­ment­ed a "red ef­fect" that works in a dir­ect­ion op­pos­ite to that ty­pi­cally ex­pected. (Aug. 2, 2010)

Planets found sharing strange dances
Most plan­ets or­bit in a sol­i­tary sort of maj­es­ty around their host star, too far from oth­er plan­ets to be af­fected by their gra­vity. (July 29, 2010)

"Best-ever" Mars map online; public invited to work on it
What re­search­ers call the best Mars map is on view for plan­e­tary sci­en­tists and arm­chair as­tro­nauts alike. (July 24, 2010)

Birds may boost offspring survival through infidelity
Scientists have been in­vest­ig­at­ing poss­ible rea­sons why in­fi­delity is com­mon through­out the ani­mal king­dom. (July 28, 2010)

Exiled stars may have merged to form speeding giant
The Hub­ble Space Tel­e­scope has de­tected a hy­pe­r­ve­locity star, a rare ob­ject mov­ing three times faster than our Sun. (July 23, 2010)

Do cleaning products cause breast cancer?
Wom­en who re­port great­er use of clean­ing prod­ucts may be at high­er breast can­cer risk than those who say they use them spar­ing­ly, a small study sug­gests. (July 20, 2010)

Newfound stars seen shattering known size limits
One mon­strous star would make our Sun look as dull as the Moon by com­par­i­son, astro­nom­ers say. (July 21, 2010)

Strange crystals found to twist as they grow
New research points to a much more var­ied pro­cess of crys­tal growth than was pre­vi­ously known, chem­ists say. (July 18, 2010)

Superstition may boost performance-through confidence
Don't scoff at those lucky rab­bit feet: hav­ing some kind of "luck­y" to­ken can ac­tu­ally im­prove your per­for­mance. (July 14, 2010)

Unusual electrons go with the flow
Sci­en­tists seek­ing new states of mat­ter have found that on some sur­faces, charged sub­a­tom­ic par­t­i­cles act like tiny su­per­heroes. (July 15, 2010)

Ovarian transplant found to lengthen mouse lives 40%
Some sci­en­tists are ask­ing them­selves wheth­er ovar­i­an self-trans­plants in wom­en might have si­mi­lar be­ne­fits. (July 13, 2010)

Drug said to thwart mental decline, grow brain cells in rodents
Re­search has turned up clues to a mech­an­ism that could lead to a for Alz­heim­er's dis­ease treat­ment, sci­ent­ists claim. (July 8, 2010)

Longevity findings in question
Some ge­neti­cists doubt the val­id­ity of a new study on genes that are said to pre­dict who will live longest, a news­paper re­ports. (July 9, 2010)

Right whales forced to shout over people's noise, scientists say
There is a lim­it to how much back­ground din North Amer­i­can right whales will be able to take, re­search­ers warn. (July 7, 2010)

Once-in-a-lifetime eclipse by asteroid to treat Europe
In a rare event next Thurs­day, some sky­watch­ers will be able to see a star be "eaten" by an asteroid. (July 5, 2010)

Group of genes may predict longevity with 77% accuracy
Re­search­ers have iden­ti­fied a group of genes that they say can be used to fore­tell whe­ther peo­ple will live to near or past 100. (July 2, 2010)

From brain science, new questions about free will
Sub­con­scious thoughts are a start­ing point for much of our de­ci­sion­mak­ing, some re­search­ers ar­gue. (July 1, 2010)

Experience with different cultures may boost creativity
Cre­ati­vity can be en­hanced by ex­pe­ri­encing cul­tures dif­fer­ent from one’s own, ac­cord­ing to new re­search. (June 30, 2010)


Natural “Velcro” binds ant, tree in deadly joint mission
An un­us­ual me­chan­ism helps some tree-dwel­ling ants at­tack prey far larg­er than them­selves. (June 29, 2010)

“Standard model” safe as physicists can’t find mis­behaving light particles
A dis­tinc­tion be­tween two basic types of par­ticles held firm in a new test, back­ing up long-held as­sump­tions about space, time and caus­a­lity. (June 29, 2010)


"Superstorm" detected on planet outside our system
Brutal, non­stop winds roil a hot, dis­tant world that lies toward the con­stell­a­tion Pe­ga­sus, ac­cord­ing to a re­port. (June 23, 2010)

Brain structure linked to personality
The size of dif­fer­ent parts of peo­ple’s brains cor­re­spond to their per­son­al­i­ties, though ex­per­ience can mold brain struc­ture, sci­ent­ists say. (June 28, 2010)

Touch: how a hard chair creates a hard heart
Through tex­tures, shapes, weights and tem­per­a­tures, the sense of tou­ch in­flu­ences both our thoughts and act­ions, re­search­ers say. (June 24, 2010)


Chimps kill each other for territory, study finds
Scient­ists have won­dered what mo­ti­vates vio­lence among groups of pri­mates closely re­lat­ed to hu­mans. (June 21, 2010)

Coffee may help prevent cancer
Sev­er­al new stud­ies sug­gest cof­fee helps ward off breast, pros­tate, head and neck can­cers. (June 22, 2010)

Star reportedly witnessed in birth
Not yet de­vel­oped in­to a true star, the ob­ject has just be­gun pulling in sur­round­ing gas and dust to form a core, ac­cord­ing to as­tro­no­mers. (June 18, 2010)


Sense of direction may be innate
New re­search sug­gests the brain comes hard-wired with work­ing naviga­t­ional cells. (June 17, 2010)

Study points to why stress may affect women more
Stud­y­ing rat brains, re­search­ers found that fe­males are more sen­si­tive than males to low lev­els of a stress hor­mone. (June 15, 2010)


Neighborhood violence may impair kids' thinking
Local vi­o­lence may im­pair a child's abil­ity to think, even if he or she did­n't see the vi­o­lence di­rect­ly, a stu­dy finds. (June 14, 2010)

"Trust hormone" may drive aggression between groups
The com­pound oxy­to­cin's well known role in so­cial re­la­tion­ships may also extend to pro­mot­ing group de­fense, a study suggests. (June 15, 2010)

Ocean covered a third of Mars, study concludes
An an­cient ocean was prob­ably part of an Earth-like wa­ter cy­cle that in­clud­ed rain, some sci­ent­ists say. (June 13, 2010)


Surveil­lance technologies get more powerful
Two new sys­tems might dram­a­tic­ally boost the reach of equip­ment os­ten­sib­ly meant to catch ter­ror­ists and crim­i­nals. (June 9, 2010)

Comets may have come from other solar systems
Many of the best known com­ets may have been born or­bit­ing oth­er stars, ac­cord­ing to a new the­o­ry. (June 10, 2010)

"Power-hungry" image may hurt female, but not male politicians
Voters tend to pu­nish fe­male can­di­dates for seem­ing bra­zen­ly ambitious, but let the same qua­li­ty slide in males, a study sug­gests. (June 8, 2010)

Cockroaches may share food advice
The pesky insects may use chem­i­cal sig­nals to pass along know­ledge of food sources in your home and else­where, re­search­ers say. (June 6, 2010)


Squirrels found to adopt orphans
Those squir­rels you see fight­ing over food may not seem al­tru­is­tic, but a study has found they some­times take in or­phaned rel­a­tives. (June 1, 2010)

Arctic ice at multi-millennium low: researchers
Less ice co­vers the Arc­tic to­day than at any time in the past few thou­sand years, a study con­cludes. (June 3, 2010)

Diversity within species may be as important as among them
Many past stud­ies have fo­cused on di­vers­ity of spe­cies as a key fac­tor in the health and resi­lience of a na­tur­al en­vir­on­ment. (June 2, 2010)

Could banknotes made like butterfly wings deter forgery?
Sci­en­tists say they have cre­at­ed ar­ti­fi­cial sur­faces that mim­ic the stun­ning col­ors found on the wings of trop­i­cal but­ter­flies. (May 31, 2010)


Study seeks to show how acupuncture really works
A tra­di­tion­al Chin­ese heal­ing tech­nique may work by act­i­vat­ing pain-sup­pres­sing mole­cules in the body, re­search­ers say. (May 30, 2010)


Oil spill threatens iconic fish with saw-like snout
The huge spill spread­ing in the Gulf of Mex­i­co could fin­ish off a crit­ic­ally en­dan­gered saw­fish, an ex­pert says. (May 27, 2010)

Hey Jude: Get that song out my head!
Most of us have, at some point, been "in­fect­ed" with a song we just can't seem to shake off. What does it mean? (May 28, 2010)

Termites, not lions, may be kings in African grasslands
When it comes to actually shap­ing a land­scape, small play­ers some­times have the edge over att­ent­ion-grab­bers. (May 25, 2010)


Scientists report first cell made with artificial genes
Their "syn­thetic ge­nome" is a near-copy of a nat­u­ral one, but re­search­ers say their meth­od can be used to bet­ter un­der­stand the work­ings of life. (May 20, 2010)

Off-kilter planetary system surprises astronomers
New find­ings could comp­li­cate the stu­dy of how plan­e­tary sys­tems evolve, re­search­ers say. (May 24, 2010)

Fuel from sewage can be profitable: study
It costs only a little more to pro­duce bio­die­sel fu­el from sew­age sludge than to make con­vent­ion­al die­sel fuel, a re­port says. (May 23, 2010)

Garden birds found to shun organic
Wild gar­den birds pre­fer con­ven­tion­al bird seed to or­gan­ic­ally grown bird seed, ac­cord­ing to a study. (May 18, 2010)

Mysterious ball lightning may be brain illusion
A new theory add­ress­es a mys­te­ri­ous phe­nom­e­non in which light­ning ap­par­ently forms in­to a ball and starts float­ing around. (May 19, 2010)

Mom's hugs in youth may help keep doctor away later
Warmth and car­ing from a per­son's moth­er seems to re­duce the forma­t­ion of pro­teins that pro­mote in­flamma­t­ion, researchers say. (May 18, 2010)

Why is breast milk best? It's in the genes, scientists say
Re­search­ers com­pared breast-fed and for­mu­la-fed ba­bies by tracking which genes were at work in their in­tes­tines. (May 13, 2010)

Calcium early in life may help prevent obesity later
A study with piglets examined the effect of cal­ci­um on stem cells in the bones. (May 14, 2010)

Can a mother's voice spur coma recovery?
A clin­i­cal tri­al is in­ves­ti­gat­ing wheth­er re­peat­ed stimula­t­ion with fa­mil­iar voices can help re­pair a co­ma vic­tim's brain. (May 11, 2010)

"Mozart effect" disputed
Lis­ten­ing to Mo­zart is great-but it won't make you smarter. So con­clude sci­en­tists who car­ried out a new study. (May 9, 2010)

Mice show pain in their faces, study finds
Re­search­ers hope a new "grim­ace scale" will help elim­i­nate un­nec­es­sary pain in lab ro­dents. (May 9, 2010)

Scientists explore whether some apes shake heads for "no"
Prevent­ing an action by some­one else may be one pur­pose for which bo­no­bos shake their heads, a study sug­gests. (May 5, 2010)

Study: fleet works 17 times harder for same fish catch of 1880s
A stun­ning stat­istic from the U.K. high­lights an alarm­ing plunge in Euro­pean fish stocks, re­search­ers warn. (May 4, 2010)

CEOs who look the part get paid more, researchers say
An online beau­ty con­test staged by econ­om­ists has iden­tif­ied links be­tween ap­pear­ance and suc­cess in the busi­ness world. (April 30, 2010)

Frosty asteroid may hint at origin of oceans
Water-ice has been de­tected for the first time on an as­ter­oid, along with or­gan­ic chem­i­cals, re­search­ers say. (April 28, 2010)

International pledge on biodiversity broken, study finds
In 2002, world lead­ers gath­ered and pledged to slow the rate of bio­divers­ity loss around the globe by this year. (April 29, 2010)

Scientists marvel at "asphalt volcanoes"
Off the coast of San­ta Bar­ba­ra, Calif., a se­ries of strange land­marks rise from the sea floor. (April 27, 2010)

Studies probe chimps' awareness of death
Chimps' aware­ness of death may be more highly de­vel­oped than is gen­er­ally be­lieved, some re­search­ers say. (April 26, 2010)

Pressure to publish may bias scientists
The qual­ity of re­search may be suf­fer­ing be­cause scho­lars are judged on how much they get pub­lished, a new anal­y­sis sug­gests. (April 24, 2010)

Mostly-male book images may reduce girls' science scores
In a small study, a gen­der gap in school sci­ence scores flipped when stu­dents used a text show­ing only fe­male sci­entists. (April 23, 2010)

Can't go paperless here: demand for soft toilet paper getting hard to meet
The In­ter­net's rise is mak­ing it ev­er harder for ma­n­u­fac­tur­ers to sat­is­fy a common Amer­i­can pref­er­ence, a re­port says. (April 22, 2010)

Indoor tanning called possibly addictive
Might gossip mag­a­zines soon start fea­tur­ing tales of TV and Holly­wood per­son­al­ities enter­ing "tan­ning re­hab"? (April 20, 2010)

"Mediterranean diet" benefits partly due to oil: study
Ol­ive oil in­gre­di­ents that sup­press in­flam­ma­tion are partly re­spon­si­ble for the healthy ef­fects of "Mediter­ranean di­ets," sci­en­tists say. (April 19, 2010)

Did Native Americans contribute to global warming?
Tree-burn­ing by nat­ives seems to have led to cop­ious em­is­sions of heat-trap­ping gases, re­search­ers say. (April 15, 2010)

Brain circuits for empathy, violence may overlap
Recent findings might help ex­plain why peo­ple are both an un­usu­ally kind and ab­nor­mally vi­cious species, sci­ent­ists ar­gue. (April 18, 2010)

You may still have to avoid T. rex
A leech that turned up in a girl's nose has been dubbed the "T. rex" of its kind by scient­ists. They say its an­ces­tors might have torm­ent­ed the old T. rex in a like fash­ion. (April 14, 2010)

Life on Titan? Stand far back and hold your nose!
If life has evolved on Sat­urn's frig­id moon, Ti­tan, it would be strange, smelly-and po­tent­ial­ly ex­plo­sive, new re­search sug­gests. (April 12, 2010)

New evidence cited that rocky, watery planets are common
Va­por­ized rem­nants of rocky, and pos­sibly wa­tery, bod­ies hang around many dead stars, as­tro­no­mers say. (April 13, 2010)

Family tree research can open "Pandora's Box"
While many peo­ple find re­search­ing their an­ces­try ful­fill­ing, for some it may unearth un­wanted se­crets or spark dis­putes. (April 9, 2010)

Amber yields secrets from dinosaur era
A 95-million-year-old am­ber de­pos­it is adding new­found fun­gus, in­sects, spi­ders, nem­a­tode worms, and bac­te­ria to the por­trait of an an­cient ec­o­sys­tem. (April 5, 2010)

Possible new human ancestor revealed
Two par­tial skele­tons un­earthed in South Af­ri­ca are from a pre­vi­ously un­known spe­cies, sci­ent­ists say. (April 8, 2010)

Brain cells shout in unison to get message through
How do you get your say if you are in the mi­nor­ity? (April 1, 2010)

"Artificial leaves" could help power machines of future
Sci­en­tists are pre­sent­ing a de­sign strat­e­gy that they say could har­ness Moth­er Na­ture's abil­ity to pro­duce en­er­gy from sun­light and wa­ter. (March 26, 2010)

Eye-operated video game developed for the disabled
Col­lege stu­dents have de­vel­oped a com­put­er game op­er­ated by eye move­ments. (March 30, 2010)

Power prompts less accurate time predictions, research finds
Having more power may lead to great­er er­rors in pre­dict­ing how long a proj­ect will take to com­plete. (March 26, 2010)

"Last Supper" got ever bigger in paint: study
An anal­ysis sug­gests a trend of grow­ing por­tion sizes, to­day of­ten blamed on fast-food places, might have real­ly started long ago. (March 24, 2010)

New species of extinct humans identified?
A pre­vi­ously un­known line­age of hu­mans has been iden­ti­fied based on genes ex­tracted from a bit of bone, sci­en­tists say. (March 25, 2010)

Eyes may betray numbers in our heads
It might be harder to lie about your age, or your pok­er hand, af­ter new re­search. (March 23, 2010)

Method would "revolutionize" dating of ancient treasures
Sci­en­tists say they have found a way to es­ti­mate the ages of an­cient relics with­out dam­ag­ing them. (March 23, 2010)

Bizarre "quantum" behavior noted in device large enough to see
The tiniest ob­jects have been found able to be­have in two op­pos­ite ways at once. Phy­sic­ists are try­ing to show si­mi­lar ten­den­cies in big­ger things. (March 22, 2010)


Media focuses on positives in covering cancer, study finds
Too much good news can be mis­lead­ing, the auth­ors of a new re­port sug­gest. (March 19, 2010)

New anti-cancer strategy: make tumors age
Re­search­ers have identified a chem­i­cal chain of events that leads can­cer cells to stop re­pro­duc­ing be­cause they get old. (March 17, 2010)

Ladies second: are we sexist in writing?
Ro­me­o and Ju­li­et. An­to­ny and Cle­o­pat­ra. Porgy and Bess. Jack and Di­ane. What un­ites all these fam­ous cou­ples, real or fic­tion­al? (March 16, 2010)


Psychopaths' brains wired to seek rewards at any cost, researchers say
New re­search is said to clar­i­fy the role of the chem­i­cal do­pa­mine in psy­chop­a­thy. (March 15, 2010)

Repeated anesthesia may affect kids' learning
A study with ro­dents shows re­peat­ed an­es­the­sia wipes out mem­o­ry-forming cells, but ex­er­cise may help undo the damage, sci­en­tists say. (March 15, 2010)


It seems we're all more human than average
A widespread tend­en­cy for people to con­si­der them­selves "better" than the norm is well known. Now sci­ent­ists say another odd hu­man con­ceit may be com­ing to light. (March 14 , 2010)

Repeated anesthesia may affect kids' learning
A study with ro­dents shows re­peat­ed an­es­the­sia wipes out mem­o­ry-forming cells, but ex­er­cise may help undo the damage, sci­en­tists say. (March 11, 2010)


Quake moved whole city
The mas­sive earth­quake that struck Chile last month moved an en­tire city at least 10 feet (3 me­ters) to the west, sci­en­tists say. (March 11, 2010)

Exposure to letters A or F may affect test scores
See­ing the letter "A" be­fore a test can im­prove a student's score, while no­tic­ing an "F" may re­duce it, ac­cord­ing to a study. (March 10, 2010)

Scientists learning how monkeys fend off "monkey AIDS"
The find­ings could be use­ful in the quest to de­sign a vac­cine for peo­ple, bio­log­ists say. (March 10, 2010)

At sentencing, some murder victims "matter" more than others
A de­fend­ant is much more likely to get a death sen­tence if he or she kills a "high-sta­tus" vic­tim than if not, a study claims. (March 8, 2010)


Darkness promotes dishonesty, researchers find
Lack of light may fos­ter a feel­ing of im­pun­ity even when there is no basis for it, a study sug­gests. (March 3, 2010)

Exotic antimatter detection may clarify cosmic symmetries
Phys­i­cists say they have de­tected the heav­i­est "an­ti-nu­cle­us" to date, a rare spec­i­men of a sort of mirror-image form of or­di­nary mat­ter. (March 4, 2010)

Snakes preyed on dino hatchlings, study concludes
A primitive snake couldn't eat hard din­o­saur eggs-but it could lie in wait for a treat to emerge from them, sci­ent­ists say. (March 2, 2010)


Laser surgery method gets new life in art restoration
A la­ser tech­nique used to re­move un­wanted tat­toos is find­ing new ap­pli­ca­tions. (Feb. 26, 2010)

Gene therapy may reverse deadly muscle wasting: scientists
A deadly mus­cle-wasting dis­or­der that af­flicts chil­dren was re­versed in mice by part­ially rep­lac­ing a miss­ing gene, re­search­ers say. (Feb. 27, 2010)

Can promiscuity save a species?
Pro­mis­cu­ous fe­males may be key to a spe­cies' sur­viv­al, at least among cer­tain fruit flies, ac­cord­ing to a study. (Feb. 25, 2010)


Cricket babies "warned" about spiders before birth
Just be­cause crick­et moms aban­don their eggs be­fore they hatch doesn't mean they can't pass wis­dom along to their ba­bies. (Feb. 22, 2010)

The science of Hollywood block­busters
Hollywood films have over time con­verged to­ward a special math­e­mat­ic­al pattern, some re­search­ers main­tain. (Feb. 23, 2010)

Happiness may protect against heart disease
Peo­ple who are usu­ally hap­py, en­thu­si­as­tic and con­tent are less likely than others to de­vel­op heart illness, ac­cord­ing to a new stu­dy. (Feb. 21, 2010)


UV color a hidden signal for butterflies
The in­sects may use un­usual hues to tell each oth­er apart while con­fus­ing pred­ators. (Feb. 17, 2010) (Feb. 17, 2010)

Do oil and gas "boomtowns" attract sex offenders?
En­vi­ron­men­tal dam­age and so­cial ills some­times go hand-in-hand where eco­nom­ies de­pend on en­er­gy ex­trac­tion, a study sug­gests. (Feb. 19, 2010)

Physicists report creating hottest temperatures ever in lab
The work is aimed at un­veil­ing the fun­da­men­tal struc­ture of at­oms. (Feb. 16, 2010)


"Quantum chemistry" a new window into lives of molecules
Phys­i­cists have de­tected mol­e­cules still in­ter­act­ing when they "should" be too cold to move. (Feb. 12, 2010)

Vitamin cocktail found to extend youthfulness in mice
A com­plex mix of in­gre­di­ents avail­a­ble in many drug stores was noted in a study to help keep mice vig­or­ous in­to old age. (Feb. 15, 2010)

Challenge to dino-bird evolution theory not dead yet
A new study sug­gests birds des­cend from some­thing that lived in trees, not from ground-dwel­ling rep­tiles, some re­search­ers say. (Feb. 10, 2010)


How did religion evolve?
Re­li­gion arose as a byprod­uct of pre-existing men­tal ca­pa­ci­ties, two sci­ent­ists conclude. (Feb. 8, 2010)

Child obesity: It's the TV food ads, not the TV, study finds
Steer your kids to­ward pro­gram­ming with­out the junk-food com­merc­ials, re­search­ers sug­gest. (Feb. 9, 2010)

Leap toward quantum computing reported
Re­search­ers say they have passed a ma­jor hur­dle in a quest to cre­ate a new kind of su­per-fast com­put­er. (Feb. 6, 2010)


Too much Internet linked to de­pression
Peo­ple who spend a lot of time on the Internet are more likely to show de­pres­sive symp­toms, ac­cord­ing to a large study. (Feb. 3, 2010)

Study maps acupuncture's effects on brain
New re­search may shed light on the com­plex mech­a­nisms of this East­ern heal­ing tech­nique, sci­en­tists say. (Feb. 4, 2010)

Device might allow "spider-man" walk
A palm-sized de­vice that exploits the sticki­ness of plain water might one day let us walk on walls, its de­vel­op­ers claim. (Feb. 2, 2010)


White roofs may cool cities
Paint­ing rooftops white might cool off cit­ies and count­er some ef­fects of glob­al warm­ing, a study sug­gests. (Jan. 29, 2010)

Mystery rays probably from burst stars, scientists say
The ori­gins of high-ener­gy part­i­cles that bom­bard Earth from space has been a puz­zle for al­most a cen­tury. (March 30, 2010)

Riddle of the sexless rotifer solved, biologists say
A micro­scopic fresh­water crea­ture has got­ten by with­out sex for mil­lions of years. (Jan. 28, 2010)


Some dino feather colors identified
The color of some feath­ers on di­no­saurs and early birds is now known for the first time, some sci­ent­ists say. (Jan. 27, 2010)

Study: recognition of facial expressions not universal
Cau­casians and Asians don't ex­am­ine faces in the same way, ac­cord­ing to new re­search. (Jan. 26, 2010)

"Survival of the cutest" said to back up Darwin
Do­mes­tic dogs have fol­lowed a un­ique ev­o­lu­tion­ary path, ac­cord­ing to a new stu­dy. (Jan. 22, 2010)

Almost never-seen bird resurfaces in Afghanistan
A spe­cies with just a hand­ful of doc­u­mented hu­man sight­ings in its past has turned up in a war-torn land, sci­en­tists say. (Jan. 25, 2010)

Post-traumatic stress diagnosed using magnetism
Post-trau­matic stress dis­or­der, which aff­licts war vet­er­ans and others, was pre­viously de­tect­a­ble only through psy­cho­log­i­cal screen­ing. (Jan. 21, 2010)


Scientists: docs don't feel your pain much-and that may be best
If you've ev­er felt like you've had a doc­tor who just did­n't care, re­search­ers now have an ex­plan­ation. (Jan. 20, 2010)

Snail's armor could offer human protection
The robust, efficient shell of a deep-sea snail could pro­vide in­spira­t­ion for ad­vanc­es in hu­man body ar­mor de­sign, re­search­ers say. (Jan. 19, 2010)


Report: cancer studies used wrong cells
A study raises questions about over 100 pub­lished stud­ies, two clin­i­cal tri­als and pos­sibly much add­it­ional re­search. (Jan. 14, 2010)

Stress may cause cancer, study suggests
The re­search also points to new ways to at­tack the deadly dis­ease, sci­ent­ists say. (Jan. 13, 2010)


For healthy mental aging, brain games may fill in for schooling
People with less edu­ca­tion can avoid the in­creased risk of mem­ory loss, a study sug­gests. (Jan. 12, 2010)

Distant solar system forming from mysterious dust, scientists say
A far-off so­lar sys­tem seems to be form­ing from a strange dust whose make­up is un­like that of our and oth­er so­lar sys­tems. (Jan. 11, 2010)

Baby temperament found to predict adult brain structure
Four-month-old in­fants' tem­per­a­ment pre­dicts some as­pects of their brain struc­ture at age 18, re­search­ers say. (Jan. 9, 2010)


"Punisher" of the seas is a little finned janitor
For small fish known as clean­er wrasse, step­ping into the line of fire reaps huge re­wards, ac­cord­ing to a new stu­dy. (Jan. 8, 2010)

"Golden ratio" hints at hidden atomic symmetry
A hith­er­to un­dis­cov­ered order can be found in sol­id mat­ter at very small scales, phys­i­cists are re­port­ing. (Jan. 7, 2010)


Hubble reveals "uncharted" cosmic zone
The space tel­e­scope has un­cov­ered a pri­mor­di­al pop­ula­t­ion of small, ultra-blue ga­lax­ies, ac­cord­ing to ast­ro­no­mers. (Jan. 5, 2010)

"Lifeless" molecules found to evolve, adapt
Pri­ons-in­fec­tious mol­e­cules that cause fa­tal brain dis­eases-can evolve in a Dar­win­i­an fash­ion, bio­log­ists say. (
Jan. 4, 2010





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  • Meet­ing on­line may lead to hap­pier mar­riages

  • Pov­erty re­duction, environ­mental safe­guards go hand in hand: UN re­port


  • Was black­mail essen­tial for marr­iage to evolve?

  • Plu­to has even cold­er “twin” of sim­ilar size, studies find

  • Could simple an­ger have taught people to coop­erate?

  • Diff­erent cul­tures’ mu­sic matches their spe­ech styles, study finds


  • F­rog said to de­scribe its home through song

  • Even r­ats will lend a help­ing paw: study

  • D­rug may undo aging-assoc­iated brain changes in ani­mals